Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/269

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instant one amusement was over another began. There were a great many of Dwarkanauth’s own relations present in very magnificent dresses, otherwise not many natives. We got away at 12.30 p.m., but the party lasted till 4. I was most dreadfully tired on Tuesday. George and I took a quiet drive, and we put off our ball till this evening.

Barrackpore, Monday, December 5.

We had our dance on Wednesday, and our usual levee on Thursday morning, and then came up here. I came with —— in his boat, and I never felt a more beautiful evening than it was, and the sky and river were such a fine gold colour—the real, Indian, pure gold, not your trashy goldsmith’s mixture, half brass; and then we have little vagaries of pea-green clouds—quite an original thought, rather vulgar, but still picturesque. As I have mentioned about thirty times in each letter to you what a shocking climate this has been, ever since we came, it is but common justice to observe that the weather now is very enjoyable. Of course there can still be but one hour’s going out for those who do not get up at sunrise, but the air