Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/274

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elephants thought of you. ‘Oh! yes; she used to come very often to my uncle’s church, She is very handsome; such a beautiful figure! I used to say to my aunt it was a pleasure to see her come into church.’ Whereupon I nearly kissed the dear little thing, only I was afraid of toppling her off the elephant; so I told her you were my sister, which interested her beyond measure, and she wanted to know if you were not fond of flowers. ‘As my aunt and I used to see her drive out with the front seat empty, and come back with it full of flowers, and my aunt used to say, “How I envy Lady Buckinghamshire the quantity of new flowers she has.”’ Don’t I see you whisking by St. Germain’s chapel, and by those little white tea-caddies of cottages on the Dover Road, and up that lane over which there was a stationary skylark always singing, with your carriage full of Guernsey lilies, and the coachman’s back looking broader than it did the day before. Then, of course, we talked over Greenwich Park, and our own dear house there (that anchor which was so foolishly cut), and the pensioners; and Mrs. —— had looked through the coloured glasses with which the