Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/277

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reached the boat, when the man’s foot slipped, and of course man and dog fell into the river, which, as they can both swim, did not signify; but it was great fun seeing them both picked out, and then to see all the black creatures on deck down on their knees wiping ‘the Prince Royal,’ as —— calls him, with their blankets and cloths, leaving Jimmund to dry his own black person. It proved to me how kind the native servants are to their masters’ pets, for I saw all this through a frightfully good telescope which George has bought, and set up on a stand in my room, and it brings people a mile or two nearer than the next room. I am not sure whether we cannot hear what they say through it; but, at all events, I could see that the natives, who did not know that they were observed, instead of giving Chance a kick for tumbling into the water, were wrapping him up in their own garments—and they have nothing to spare in that article—and they finally handed him into the cabin, where I suppose he took possession of the sofa; but the telescope does not look through a deal board, which, considering its other powers, is disappointing.

Having constantly abused the weather, I