Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/333

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will never see them again. I bought on speculation for the Duchess of Sutherland the most beautiful silver-embroidered dress I ever saw. She told me when I left England to buy some fine Indian muslin for her, but I have never before seen any so fine as this. The whole article was unique, and I hope she will like it, as it was a large outlay; but price is no object to her.

We had our dance in the evening, rather a gay one apparently.

Wednesday morning I went in Fanny’s place to the school committee, which seemed very peaceable, and in the evening we went to see ‘Masaniello,’ which the French Company have got up, and acted last week to an enthusiastic audience. I thought it an absolute miracle in our favour that we were at Barrackpore at the time; but the subscribers, by way of consoling us for that disappointment, proposed to have it over again, contrary to the rules of the subscription, and wrote to beg we would not miss such a perfect opera. The ‘prima donna’ really surpassed herself in it. So kind; but it is very hot. However, we went and were received with great applause; I don’t know why,