Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/335

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person who keeps accounts and are exact and know how time really goes.

To add to the provocation of being a whole year in such a concern the old stagers all accost me with a benevolent smile and an air of patronising fellowship. ‘Well, I give you joy; now you are out of your griffinage you know as much as we do.’ ‘I should be sorry to know as little, but I suppose I shall if I stay here four years more,’ is my natural response. But I only think these things; I don’t say them. I keep silence—yea, even from good words—but you will allow there is ample provocation for bad ones. I am thinking of being extravagantly original the next few weeks, just to show them that even habit cannot bring me to their dull level.

March 15.

I forwarded to you last week a great packet of Fanny’s, which will show you how she is enjoying her travels. I hear from her or —— most days, and they seem to be enjoying themselves much, though disappointed with the number of their tigers. They have killed none the last week. Our doctor has been very ill for a few days with a regular