Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/346

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people quietly let out that they are in the habit of beating these timid, weak creatures, and very few of the natives seem to know that they can have redress from a magistrate; but I hope they are beginning to find it out.

My dear, I wish you were here, though it would only be another good article thrown away; but still we could understand each other.

Barrackpore, Easter Sunday, 26th.

We dined early on Wednesday, and came up in the evening, so as to have an additional day here, as it is Passion Week, and for the same reason I persuaded George to excuse us any company. We have had two such beautiful storms, that sounded as if they ought to cool the air; but it was ‘all sound and fury,’ &c. There were hailstones as big as pigeon’s eggs, and the thermometer at 90° while they were falling. Either it is a much hotter season or we feel it more than we did the first year, which they say is generally the case; but both George and I are desperate about the heat. It is impossible to stir out till it is dark. Fanny is beginning to find it hot in the tents,