Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/72

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to ‘Home, sweet home,’ and at all events it is something to know my own stars again. What will you bet that we shall have a fair wind by Tuesday? I think we shall, merely because it must come at last. If not, I must eat Chance on Wednesday, for fear other people should want him the next week.

Wednesday, February 10.

You have lost that bet about the wind; you owe me a shilling, and you ought to make it two, in consideration of our wretched state. This is the fourth day of a dead calm, the sea actually as smooth as this paper, and not a breath of air—and the heat! Few people have ever seen such a dead calm at sea: the master, who has, was detained by one three weeks in the same place; we are now only 160 miles from the line. I shall stick this letter in a bottle soon, and you will know where to look for us when it comes to hand.

Day after day—day after day,
   We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
   Upon a painted ocean.

It is just what we are—and then the sea—

Still as a slave before his lord,
   The ocean hath no blast;
His great bright eye most silently
   Up to the moon is cast.