Page:Letters from India Vol 2.pdf/125

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The deaths in this country from wild beasts are very numerous. George was saying just now that the reports from the Agra district of children carried off by wolves are upwards of 300 in one year.

Yours most affectionately,

F. H. Eden.


Unmritsir, the Punjâb
(On our way to Lahore Camp),
December 9, 1838.

My dearest ——,—I mean to tell you nothing in this letter, because I have told you everything in that journal; in the meantime it will set your mind at ease about us to know that we are completely in the power of the Sikhs—have crossed the Sutlej into the Punjâb, and are now on, our way to Lahore, Runjeet Singh preceding us by a march, and his son Shere Singh being with us, on the most friendly and intimate terms. He steps in at dinner and sits through it to see us eat. He is my next best friend to you, I have so many topics in common with him. Runjeet has given orders to all his people to sell nothing at the bazaars; he