Page:Letters from India Vol 2.pdf/28

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there now, for fear of accident. Just stop! I will come in a minute. God bless you all! You are still my very dearest friend.

Yours affectionately,

E. E.


Barrackpore, May 8, 1837.

Scene: Verandah at Barrackpore. Time, sunset, or rather later. Atmosphere, close. Garden, below the verandah. River and, Serampore, beyond.
[Enter four bearers, and place sofa in verandah, and retire. Enter from a side-door an interesting and languid European female with opened and unopened letters in her hand, followed by various domestics carrying footstool, shawl, book, &c. Lady speaks fretfully,]
Jemadar, do put the sofa in the draft.
[Jemadar snaps his fingers, and the, bearers move the sofa. Lady reads, apparently with intense interest, long sheets of paper, evidently a journal from a friend, and probably dated October, smiles occasionally, and then speaks (mentally),]