Page:Letters from India Vol 2.pdf/58

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the dogs, ‘and —— says he is the first native he ever saw who gave a regular English knock-down blow; but he knocked the man right down, and then began thumping him with the end of his dog’s chain, till —— advised him to beat the dogs rather than their owner. Chance was brought to by a warm bath, and was not really much hurt. When I came home Jimmund brought him to me, bandaged up in all directions, and told his story by means of an interpreter, who ended by saying, ‘And Jimmund say he very sorry —— Sahib call him off, because he would have deaded the man who have those dogs.’ I told him nothing could be more amiable or correct, but in general I should prefer his driving away the dogs to deading the man. The ‘Abercrombie Robertson’ is in the river, we hear, in which ship we know there is a box from —— for us with some ornamented paper; but it always takes a week to unpack a ship, and the captains clearly make it a general rule to put our boxes at the very bottom of the hold.

Yours most affectionately,
