Page:Letters from India Vol 2.pdf/83

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another by hearing him chattering by the side of it. It has broken some of my china cups and has carried off bodily our little French servant's large green parrot; that makes me shudder for my lory. Unless the monkey can be caught or killed, George must abdicate and go home; life is not worth having on such terms.

Yours affectionately,

F. H. Eden.


‘Enterprise’ Steamer, Friday, August 6, 1837.

I wrote to Mr. —— yesterday by the overland mail, and therefore you will probably know two months before you receive this that, finding I could not quite get rid of the remains of that fever I had three weeks ago, and being tired of bad nights and hot hands and living in my own room, I look to the real Indian cure of going down to the Sandheads, and though I am only thirty miles from Calcutta, yet I declare I think I feel better—‘a little peckish or so’ and not so hot. This sort of fever has been in every house in Calcutta and Barrackpore. They