Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/393

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Cortes, Fernando (Continued)
overthrows the idols, 260
letter to Narvaez, 270, 271
leaves the city, 277
negotiations with Narvaez, 280ff
defeats Narvaez, 282
return march to Mexico, 285
captures Teocalli, 291
narrow escape of, 295
retreats from Mexico, 296ff
arrives at Tlascala, 302
at Guacachula, 311
builds brigantines, 320
proposes name for Mexico, 322
reviews forces at Tlascala, II, 8
speech to Tlascalans, 9
march to Mexico, 10
at Texcoco, 15
destroys Iztapalapan, 18
receives brigantines, 32
at Tacuba, 34ff
messages to Quauhtemotzin 40, 41
begins hostilities, 42ff
captures Cuernavaca, 46
narrow escape at Xochimilco, 50
begins the siege, 60
commands brigantines, 66
second narrow escape of, 95
wounded, 97
inspects market-place, 116
reports on the treasure, 130
builds ships on the Pacific, 144
plot to murder, 144, 145
campaigning in Panuco, 171ff
appointed Captain-General, 180
dealings with Garay, 188ff
reports ship-building, 199, 200
on rebuilding Mexico, 200ff
gun casting, 204
manufactures ammunition, 205
casts silver culverin, 211
complains of Velasquez, 213
converting Indians, 213, 214
opinions of bishops, lawyers, and doctors, 214
ordinances of, 218
expedition to Yucatan and Honduras, 230
bridge building, 235, 239, 253ff
reports execution of Quauhtemotzin at Peten-Itza, 274
receives tidings from Nito, 283
arrives at Nito, 286
dangerous journey on rafts, 299ff
reception in Honduras, 308
report of his death, note on, 321
receives disquieting news from Mexico, 321ff
embarks for Vera Cruz, 323
reports on slave trade, 333
sails for Vera Cruz, 334
in Havana, 34ff
arrival at reception at Vera Cruz, 335
arrival in City of Mexico, 336ff
accusations against, 341ff
renders an account, 344
proposes to return to Spain, 346
petitions a pension, 347ff
reports on South Sea expeditions, 350
on province of Zapoteca, 351
his treatment of Nuño de Guzman, 352
expedition against the Chichimecas, 353
Coscatlan, note on, II, 171
Cozumel, discovery of, I, 16
note on, 123
Cortes at, 139
crosses at, 175
Cronberger, Juan, editions of Cortes 's letters, I, 103
Cruelty, wholesale executions in Panuco, II, 193
Cruzada, Bula de la, II, 138
Cuauhtitlan, II, 34
Cuba, conquest of, I, 7
note on, 123
Cuernavaca, capture of, and note on, II, 46ff
Cuicuitcatzin, I, 250
Cuitlahuac, description of town, I, 229
II, 54
Cuitlahuaczin, note on, I, 318
measures for defence, 321
Cuzula, report on, I, 242
Darien, note on, II, 179
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, describes sailing of expedition under Cortes, I, 20, 21
life and writings, 109
Dircio, Pedro, II, 43
Duero, Andres de, I, 281
Empire, extent of Aztec, I, 264
taxes in, 265
Encomienda, note explaining, II, 223ff
Escudero, Juan, takes Cortes prisoner, I, 11
hanged, 167
Espiritu Santo, foundation of, II, 161
Estrada, Alonso de, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 361ff
Famine, during the siege, II, 112, 126
Fernandina, see Cuba