48. "Western Home, and other Poems."
Admiration of our "great, green, growing West," called into existence the poem which gave name to this otherwise miscellaneous volume of three hundred and fifty-nine pages, originally published by Parry & MacMillan, of Philadelphia, and, after the dissolution of their house, by others in New York.
49. "Sayings of the Little Ones, and Poems for their Mothers."
I have long been an admirer of the words of young children, as in their simplicity combining wit with originality. Perceiving how apt they are to be forgotten, even by the fond maternal heart, I had been persevering in collecting them, and this book of two hundred and fifty-two pages is the result. Following out my fancy for the West, I intrusted the copyright to Buffalo publishers; and that it has not been overlooked by the public, I perceive by occasional extracts from its choicest morceaux in passing periodicals, though without acknowledgment or reference to the source from whence they were derived.