Increase the disposition and the means of liberality, and grant me wisdom in its distribution. Confirm and extend the demonstrations of affection and love, in which my whole nature rejoices; and continue to bless my household establishment with fidelity and affectionate zeal. Enable me to make progress in right feelings, and in the enjoyment of that happiness which rises above a changeful world.
"If this year, now smiling upon me with a snowy face, is to be mine till its close, may it manifestly transcend all its predecessors in usefulness, happiness, and true wisdom; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I yield myself in unswerving trust and allegiance, both now and forever."
A few days later, we find the entry: "Made very happy by making ninety little hearts beat lighter, having driven over to the Orphan Asylum, with nice little books, fruit, and cake, for each one. I thank my kind Father in Heaven for this blessing."
February.—"I never remember such perfect days as a few we have lately had. I drive out for an hour near the noon, to inhale the balmy atmosphere, and behold the bright sun."
March 3d.—"Enjoying great delight with a poem in blank verse. May it communicate the same to other hearts."