Page:Lewie Gordon (1).pdf/6

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I lik'd it far better than school.
The mucking, &c.

My brither abuses me daily,
For being wi' Geordie sae free;
My sister she ca's me hoodwinked,
Because he's below my degree.
The mucking, &c.

But weel do I like my young Geordie,
Although he was cunning and slee;
He ca's me his dear and his honey,
And I'm sure my Geordie loo's me.
The mucking, &c.


The smiling morn, the breathing spring,
Invite the tuneful birds to sing,
And while they warble from each spray,
Love melts the universal lay.
Let us, Amanda, timely wise,
Like them improve the hour that flies,
And in soft raptures waste the day,
Amang the birks of Invernay.

The lav'rocks now, and lintwhites sing;

The rocks around with echoes ring,