and nonsense about it, which is, of course, the ideal of Service—on each and every tray this fellow, and I figured he was a Portuguese or maybe a Wop, he places, instead of the paper napkins like you get in so many of the Eastern cafeterias, he places a real cloth napkin, that had printed on it, "Take Me Home with You, and When You Want an Old-time Time and a Homey Home away from Home, Don't Forget I Came from the World-famed Serra Inn."
Pretty cute, eh?
But as I was saying:
You boys want to get on with the poker game, and so do I, and so I won't go into any details about my adventures in California. I agree with Billy that these cards are too gummy, and so I'll send down for some more and then we can get on with the game. And I guess maybe you boys could stand another highball, so we'll make it snappy—