sixty or maybe seventy thousand dollars clear a year, and just as simple and unpretentious and not feeling he's one bit better than you or me. Of course I told him I'd be tickled to death to come along, providing I could get the wife to let me check out, and so I starts off with Joe and his party—after, I must admit, a kind of a hell of a lot of talkee-talkee with the wife about it.
Now there's no point in my telling you who the other fellows on the party were—in fact I just want to tell you the story that Mack McMack told me, and then we'll get back to our game. But just to mention them, there was, besides Joe Minchin and me, there was Vergil Gunch, who's in the coal and wood business and one of the most influential business men in Zenith, and say, he's a great orator, and Depew LeVie, the lawyer, a very fine gentleman, graduate of the City College of New York—only trouble with him is, he's got such a down on the Jews that he makes you tired talking about it all the time—and Mack McMack—