No; let's see; it's less than four hours. I remember we left the Union Station at 2:37 in the afternoon; I remember it exactly because when I was leaving the house, the wife said I'd be late—and by golly she was sore about my skipping off and leaving her, and she sounded like she'd be tickled to death if I was late—and she said, "You'll be late catching the train," and I remember saying, "I will not," I said, "I've got exactly forty minutes, because the train leaves at 2:37, and it's now exactly three or anyway two and a half minutes to two." So I remember we left at 2:37 exactly, and we got to Lucknow, which is the station for Lake Misheepagontiluckit, at 6:17; and I remember that because it was just seventeen minutes after six, which makes an easy date to remember. So it was less than four hours.
But of course we had to take a couple of flivvers out to the lake—not taxis, you understand, because of course this Lucknow was a hick town; why say, it was such a rube burg that they didn't have a high school or a restaurant, and they only had one