we're out on this trip, and what say we play poker till ten and then quit on the dot and get to bed and be up at six tomorrow and hike right out for the big gamey denizens of the deep?"
"Fine," we says; "you bet; we'll hit the hay at ten."
So we starts playing there in the big living-room—
Now by golly can you beat that! Can you beat it! I haven't described Joe's place at all, and that was the biggest surprise of all.
I knew he had a log cabin fixed up all swell, but I'd never expected the kind of place we found. Logs—yeh, sure, it was built of logs, but my God!
Why say, that place would 've done the Prince of Wales or J. Pierpont Morgan proud. Every log was varnished on the outside till it shone like a mirror, and every single last log had the end of it carved with the name of some movie star. Then under the eaves, both ends, there was an elegant