it's up to me to repeat it and then shut up and we can get back to the game.
Well, as I started to say, seems these three fellows, this Jew and Mick and Englishman, were all wrecked on a desert island, and the only other person that was saved was this pretty girl, maybe she was a missionary, but say, she was a peach. On shipboard they'd all three tried to make her, but she was standoffish as all get out and wouldn't talk to 'em, but here where they were all sharing a couple of tents, she couldn't very well hand 'em the icy mitt, considering they were doing everything for her and building up a kind of—oh, a wall or a barricade or whatever it is that they always put up around your shack in these novels you read about people that get wrecked on a desert island, to keep off these wild beasts that they have on desert islands.
So she gets pretty chummy with the whole bunch of 'em, but she don't pick any favorites,