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Page:Lewis - The Man Who Knew Coolidge (1928).djvu/159

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bank on Mack. He'll be as sympathetic and serious as any undertaker you ever saw.

I remember he had charge of the finest funeral I ever saw—I tell you it was a credit to Zenith (and to Mack), that funeral—I'll bet Chicago itself never pulled off a more impressive and touching funeral. It was a Shriner funeral to one of the finest fellows you ever met in your life—Ed S. Swanson, the great divorce lawyer—why, they say Ed never took a divorce case in his life where he didn't get a favorable verdict, whether there was any grounds or not; a real crack lawyer that he didn't care what the law was—"I'll make the law and you furnish my fee," he used to say—but laughingly, of course, because he was a real square straight-shooter.

And one of the most public-spirited citizens in Zenith.

Why say, he was on the Better Interurban Trolley and Transportation Commission that got us several extensions of street-car lines to the suburbs—and while I guess Ed himself profited somewhat