so I says, "Well, don't like to leave old Jackie here—"
That's what I named the pup, and that's what I call him to this very day.
"I'd better not leave him here to get run over," thinks I, "and when we get back home, I'll advertise and see if I can find his owner."
Well, when I got home, Robby—you remember my boy, Walt—Robby was just as crazy about having a dog as I was, but Mame gets sniffy about how the dog'd scare that damn' cat Minnie of hers. But she let me keep Jackie, that's the dog, out in the garage till I'd advertised.
Well, I advertised and I advertised—
No, come to think of it, I guess it was just one ad I put in, because I thinks to myself, "Jackie looks to me like a regular man's dog, and if his owner ain't keeping a look-out, can't expect me to do all the work!"
Anyway, never got an answer, and in 'long about a week, Mame wakes up and begins to realize, here I am with a dog that ain't going to