That was a nice garage, too, for such a tiny little burg.
I drove up and tooted my horn, and out come a young fellow in overalls, and I said, "Say, Cap'n, I hit a mosquito up the road a piece, and I wonder if you could straighten my bumper."
"Sure," he says.
"Could you do it right away?" I says. "I've got a date up the road to meet Gertrude Ederle and swim across the Channel with her."
"Sure," he says. You could see (my God, think of what it must mean to live in a hog-wallow like that and not hardly ever meet any educated people except when they stopped like I did!)—you could see he appreciated a little real Kiwanis Club kidding.
And so he got busy, and say, with a jack he had that bumper straightened in about ten seconds, and so we drove on.
And those were about all the interesting incidents, and considering I want to get on and outline the whole itinerary for you—