kind of called to the musical line, and she was taking vocal and piano. But I figured she could drop them all right for a few weeks and I said—
Robby (that's my son), of course he couldn't get away, because he was in school, but—
I says to my wife, "Mamie, how'd it strike you—I've simply got to go to New York on a business trip and things are kind of slack now, and how'd it be if Delmerine and you went along and saw the sights and everything?"
Say, she was tickled pink! She'd never seen New York, and of course—
Not that I'd want to live in the Big Burg. What I always say is: New York is a swell hang-out for a few days' visit, and theaters and all like that, but when it comes to living there—say, I wouldn't live there if they gave me Times Square and threw in Riverside Drive to boot. Compared with Zenith—
And believe me, gentlemen—
I don't believe in going around boosting your own burg all the time. I don't suppose Zenith is