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- Crocker book-brace and support, 100
- Croydon Central Library:
- Arrangements and plan, 206
- Darlington, Edward Pease Library:
- Architectural account and plan, 151
- Ventilation and lighting, 28
- Deane (Sir Thomas), architect of the National Library. Dublin, 156
- De Chavannes (Puvis). painter, work of, in Boston Public Library, 15, 246
- Decoration of libraries, 15, 257
- Delessert (Benjamin), plan for rebuilding the French National Library, 138
- Derby Library and Museum:
- Arrangement of public rooms, 146
- Desks, see Tables and Desks
- Dewey (Melvil) on height of bookcases, 40
- Dublin, National Library of Ireland:
- Architectural account and plans, 153
- Arrangement of bookcases and storerooms, 156
- Dundee Free Library, lighting of, 26
- Duplex indicator, 80
- Dusting machine, 125
- Dyson (John W. architect of the Stephenson Library. Elswick, 181
- Easels for copying, 120–122
- Edinburgh Public Library:
- Architectural account and plans. 158
- Electric lighting, 162
- Edmonton Public Library:
- Arrangement and plans, 211
- Edllitz (C. L. W.). plan of the Buffalo Library, 269
- Electric Lighting see lighting
- Elliot indicator, 74
- Elsewick Library see Newcastle upon-Tyne
- European Libraries, see Athens, Frankfurt, Greifswald, *Göttingen, Leipzig, Halle, Paris, Strassburg, Wolfenbüttel
- Fenton system of book-shelving, 57
- Fergusson (James) on the extension of the British Museum, 137
- Ferry and Clas, architects of the Milwaukee Library and Museum, 279
- Fires in libraries. 19, 24, 47
- Floors of iron and glass for bookstores, 60, 64
- Floors of wood and stone for the public rooms, 24
- Florence. Biblioteca Laurenziana, 1
- Follini (Vincenzo), librarian of the Maglialhecchian Libary, 5
- Fontana (Domeuico), architect of the Vatican Library, 2
- Forshall (Rev. Josiah), Secretary of the British Museum, 137
- Fowler (A.), architect of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Central Library, 177
- Frankfurt, the State Library:
- Arrangement and plans, 209
- Freeman (R. K.), architect of the Derby Free Library, 146
- French (D. C.), designer of the bronze doors of the Boston Public Library, 243
- Furniture for libraries and news-rooms, 95
- Gamble Institute, see St. Helens
- Granett (Dr. Richard) introduces the sliding press into the British Museum, 65
- Garnsey (E. E.), work of art, at the Boston Public Library, 250
- Gas, influence of, on bindings, 13
- Gibbs (James), architect of the Ratcliffe Library, Oxford, 3
- Gibson and Russell, architects of the West Ham Technical Institute, 237
- Gissen University card-catalogue, 88
- Glasgow Mitchell Library
- Arrangement and plans, 163
- Cost of Electric, 30, 166
- Issues, and stock of books, 7