Agaras, -o, sm. halm; blade (of straw, corn or grass). Agarunas, -o, sm. bot. Jesuit's nul; ling; water caltrops; water chestnut. Trapa natans. Agata, -os, sf. Agatha; Aggy. Dim. -tēlē, little Aggy. Agatas, -o, sm. (min.) agate. Agentas, -o, sm. agent; factor. Agentija, -os, Agentura -os, sf. agent's office; agency. Agitacija, -os, sf. agitation; commotion. Agitavimas, -o, sm. agitation. Agitatoriškas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. of agitator. Agitatorius, -iaus, sm. agitator. Agituoti (-tuoju, -tavau, -tuosiu), v. a. to agitate. Aglē, = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Agnasas, -o, dim. -sēlis, sm. amulet. Agnē, Agnieška, -os, sf. Agnes. Agnus, f. -ni, defin. -nusis, f. -nioji, adj. [Jušk.] active; lively; brisk. Agrastas, -o, sm. gooseberry. Agrastinis, f. -nē, adj. of gooseberry. Agronomas, -o, sm. agriculturist. Agronomija, -os, sf. agronomy. Agronomiškas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. agricultural. Aguona, -os, dim. -nēlē, sf. bot. poppy; laukinē —, corn-poppy, redweed. Papaver rhoeas. Aguoninis, f. -nē, adj. of poppy; made of poppy. Aguonojai, -ų, sm. pl. poppy stubble. Agurkas, -o, dim. -kēlis, -io, sm. cucumber; [raugintas] pickle. Agurkinis, f. -nē, adj. of cucumber; belonging or pertaining to cucumber. Ai, interj, ah! alas! Aibē, -ēs, sf. swarm. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Aidas, -o, sm. echo; report; noise. Aidēti (-dēju, -dējau, -dēsiu), v. n. to echo; to resound. Aigyptas, -o, sm. [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Aikštis, -ies, sf. glade; an open place in a forest; an open field; room; space. ‖ [Jušk.] passion; ardor; eagerness. Aikštus, f. -ti, ntr. -tu, defin. -štusis, f. -ščioji, adj. roomy; wide; spacious. Aikvoti, = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Aiman, interj. woe to me; woe betide me. |
-o, sm. lamentation; wailing. ,Aimanuoti (-nuoju, -navau, -nuosiu), v. n. to complain, to lament, to wail. Ainys, -io, sm. descendant; offspring: pl. Ainiai, descendants; posterity. Airē, sf. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Aisiulis, f. -lē, s. descendant. Aistra, -os, sf. passion; ardor; eagerness. Aistrumas, -o, sm. passion. Aistrus, f. -ri, defin. -rusis, f. -rioji, adj. passionate; ardent; vehement. ‖ –riai, adv. passionately. Aiškēti (-kēju, -kējau, -kēsiu), v. n. to clear up: to grow clear. Aiškiai, adv. plainly; clearly; distinctly; expressively; emphatically. Aiškybē, -ēs, sf. clearness; distinctness; precision; expressiveness. Aiškinimas, -o, sm. explaining; explanation; illustration; interpretation. Aiškinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to explain; to explicate; to expound; to illustrate. Aiškokas, f. -ka, adj. pretty clear; plain. Aiškumas, = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Aiškus, f. -ki, ntr. -ku, defin. -kusis, f. -kioji, adj. plain; clear; distinct; expressive; emphatical. Aitra, -os, sf. tartness. Aitrumas, -o, sm. acrimony; crabbedness; tartness. Aitrus, f. -ri, ntr. -ru, defin. -rusis, f. -rioji, adj. acrimonious; crabbed; tart, surly; ‖ [atkaklus] fanatic; fanatical; extravagant. ‖ –riai, adv. crabbedly; surlily; ‖ fanatically; extravagantly. Aitvaras, -o, sm. myth. house-demon; hobgoblin. Aiża, -os, sf. fissure; cleft; chink; crevice. Aiżēti (-żēju, -żējau, -żēsiu), v. n. to crack; to rend; break or burst in chinks. Aiżyti (-żau, -żiau, -żysiu), v. a. to husk; to shell. Ajeras, -o, sm. bot. sweet-flag = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Ak, interj. ah! alas! Akacija, -os, sf. bot. acacia; locust tree. Akademija, -os, sf. academy. Akademikas, -o, sm. academician; academist.
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