Apgimimas, -o, sm. nature; inborn qualities; character. Apgynējas, f. -ja, s. defender; protector; advocate. Apgynimas, -o, sm. defending; defense; protection. Apginklas, -o, sm. defensive arms. Apginti (-nu, -niau, -nsiu), v. a. to defend; to protect. Apgintojas, f. -ja, s. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Apgintuvē, -ēs, sf. defense; fortress; stronghold. Apgirdymas, -o, sm. intoxication; making drunk; [nuodais] poisoning. Apgirdyti (-dau, -dżiau, -dysiu), v. a. to intoxicate; to inebriate; to make drunk; [nuodais] to poison. Apgirtis, f. -tē, adj. somewhat drunk; intoxicated. Apgyvendinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to people; to fill with inhabitants; to colonize; to settle. Apgyventi (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. n. to settle in a place; to fix one's abode; to inhabit. Apgiżti (-giżtu, -giżau, -gišiu), v. n. to grow a little sour; to become sourish (said of milk). Apglēbti (-biu, -biau, -bsiu), v. a. to embrace; to hug. Apglemżti (-żiu, -żiau, -šiu), v. a. to seize; to take possession of by force. Apglostyti (-stau, -sčiau, -stysiu), v. a. to stroke; to fondle a little; fig. to appease; to calm. Apgniaużti (-żiu, -żiau, -šiu), v. a. to shut in the hand; to embrace; to grapple. Apgożimas, -o, sm. throwing down; overthrow; subversion. Apgożti (-żiu, -żiau, -šiu), v. a. to bring to the ground; to subvert; to overthrow. Apgraibyti (-bau, -biau, -bysiu), v. a. to feel or grope on all sides; [putas, taukus] to skim. Apgraiboms, adv. gropingly. Apgriaużinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. frq. Apgriaużti (-żiu, -żiau, -šiu), v. a to gnaw ronnd; to nibble; to browse. — kaulą, to pick a bone. Apgrubti (-grumbu, -grubau, -grubsiu), v. a. to benumb. |
Apgulimas, -o, sm. siege. Apgultas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, prt. besieged; beset; surrounded. Apgulti (-gulu, -guliau, -gulsiu), v. a. to besiege; to beleaguer; to beset; to throng around. Apyaušris, -io, sm. almost break of day; almost dawn. Apibaltinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to whiten; to white wash. Apibarstyti (-stau, -sčiau, -stysiu), v. frq., Apiberti (-beriu, -bēriau, -bersiu), v. a. (said of dry substances) to strew; to spread; to powder; to sprinkle over. Apybēgis, -io, sm. rotation; circulation. Apibēgti (-bēgu, -bēgau, -bēgsiu), v. a. to run around. Apibendrinimas, -o, sm. rendering common; socialization. Apibendrinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to render common; to socialize, Apibiaurinimas, -o, sm. defamation; slandering; insult. Apibiaurinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), Apibiauroti (-roju, -rojau, -rosiu), v. a. to disfigure; to make ugly; to soil; to dirty; ‖ to defame; to insult. Apibiaurintojas, f. -ja, s. slanderer; calumniator. Apibudinimas, -o, sm. characterization. Apibudinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to characterize. Apyčiupa, Apyčiupoms, adv. gropingly. Apydairiai, adv. by looking on all sides; carefully; cautiously. Apie, prep. with acc. about; near; by; at. — ką nors kalbēti, to speak about a thing. Mislyk apie mane, think of me. Apieka, -os, sf. tutelage; guardianship; protection. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Apiekunas, -o, sm. guardian; tutor; trustee. [Pol. Opiekun, guardian, trustee]. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Apielinkē, -ēs, sf. environs; vicinity. Apygarda, -os, sf. neighborhood; vicinity; environs. Apykaklē, -ēs, sf. collar. Apykanta, -os, sf. tolerance; patience; sufferance. Apylanka, -os, sf. deviation from the right line; ‖ an unsown piece of |
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