Apjuosas, -o, sm. girdle; belt. Apjuosti (-juosiu, -juosiau, -juosiu), v. a. to gird; to begird; to surround; to encompass. Apjuosti (-juostu, -juodau, -juosiu), v. n. to become black. Apkabinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. frq., Apkabinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu). v. a. to hang round about; ‖ to embrace; to clasp. Apkabinimas, -o, sm. hanging round about; ‖ embrace; clasp. Apkainojimas, -o, sm. estimation; valuation. Apkainoti (-noju, -nojau, -nosiu), v. a. to estimate; to value. Apkaisti (-stu, -tau, -siu), v. n. to be in a sweat or perspiration; to redden to blush. Apkaišyti (-šau, -šiau, -šysiu), v. a. to stick round about; to bestick; [papuošti] to adorn; to deck; to decorate. Apkaitinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to make warm; to heat. Apkaklē, -ēs, sf. collar; ‖ necklace. Apkalba, -os, sf. conference; discourse; circumlocution; periphrasis; ‖ defamation; slander; calumny. Apkalbējimas, -o, sm. bespeaking: discourse; conference; consultation; ‖ defamation; slander. Apkalbēti (-bu, -bējau, -bēsiu), v. a. to bespeak; to talk over; to discuss; to periphrase; ‖ [apšmeiżti] to defame; to decry; to slander. Apkalbētojas, f. -ja, s. slanderer; calumniator. Apkalbinēti, v. frq., see [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Apkalinimas, -o, sm. imprisonment; confinement. Apkalinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to imprison; to confine. Apkalti (-lu, -liau, -lsiu), v. a. to surround or enclose with stakes or piles; [lankais] to hoop; to bind with iron, — statinę, to hoop a vessel; [retēżiais] to bind in chains; to manacle. Apkaltinimas, -o, sm. inculpation; charge. Apkaltintas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, adj. inculpated; charged with, accused. |
Apkaltinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to inculpate; to charge; to acense. Apkanta, -os, sf. tolerance. Apkantus, f. -ti, defin. -tusis, f. -čioji, adj. tolerating; tolerant; enduring; indulgent. Apkapoti (-poju, -pojau, -posiu), v. a. to hew; to cut off. Apkariauti (-riauju, -riavau, -riausiu), v. a. to conquer; to vanquish; to overcome. Apkariautojas, f. -ja, s. conqueror. Apkariavimas, -o, sm. conquering; quest. Apkarpyti (-pau, -piau, -pysiu), v. frq., Apkirpti (-kerpu, -kirpau, -kirpsiu), v. a. to cut round; to shear round. Apkarsti (-rstu, -rtau, -rsiu), v. n. to become bitter; to be embittered. Apkartinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to make bitter; to embitter. — kam gyvenimą, to embitter one's life. Apkasas, -o, sm. intrenchment; mound; rampart. Apkasimas, -o, sm. (the act of) surrounding with ditch or rampier; intrenchment. Apkasinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. frq. Apkasti (-su, -sian, -siu), v. a. to dig round; to surround with a ditch; [apkasu] to intrench; to fortify. Apkaustas, -o, sm. iron covering; garnishment Apkaustymas, -o, sm. putting in irons; iron covering; iron work; garnishment. Apkaustyti (-stau, -sčiau, -stysiu), v. a. to garnish; to hammer; [ratą] to put the tire on; [nusidējēlį] to put in irons; to manacle. Apkaušti (-štu, -šau, -šiu), v. n. to become drunk; to be intoxicated. Apkeisti (-keičiu, -keičiau, -keisiu), v. a. to exchange; to change; to commute. Apkeliauti (-liauju, -liavau, -liausiu), v. a. to travel; to make the tour. Apkerējimas, -o, sm. enchantment. Apkerēti (-rēju, -rējau, -rēsiu), v. a. to bewitch; to enchant. Apkerpējęs, f. -jusi, prt. overgrown with moss. Apkerpēti (-pēju, -pējau, -pēsiu), v. n. to grow over with moss.
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