Page:Life, trial and execution, of Mary Thompson.pdf/2

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The master and mistress of the above female were most inhumanly butchered, by having their throats cut from ear to ear. This young woman had lived as servant with these aged and unfortunate people for upwards of seven years, and was much esteemed by all who knew her; and by her general good conduct, had gained the confidence of these with whom she lived, who entrusted her with the management of their affairs, and placed the greatest confidence in her honesty. They had kept a large Inn in the vicinity of York for a number of years, but had, a short time since, retired to a small pot-house to pass the remainder of their days in greater quietude than the bustle of an Inn permitted. It was the practice of the old couple to retire to rest about nine o’clock at night, and rise about the same time in the morning, leaving everything in the charge of the servant. Not having any children of their own, it was generally believed that her master would behave handsomely to her, provided she married according to his wishes. This secured her a number of lovers, amongst whom was a young man named Jones, who was most assiduous in his attention towards her, and behaving with the greatest propriety, he soon became a favourite with the old couple.

On Monday Jones went as usual to the house, and when the company had left and the old pair retired to rest, the servant sat with him by the kitchen fire; she had occasion to leave the kitchen a short time, and on her return