Page:Life, trial and execution, of Mary Thompson.pdf/8

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learning the sad occurrence, was promptly on the spot and both have been unwearied in their endeavours to alleviate, as far as possible, the pain of the sufferers, who were, with the exception of Mr. M'Larrey, removed in a day or two to the hospital. One of the poor girls, aged 17, died the second day after, in great agony; the sufferings of her sister, who had just reached her 15th year the night of the burning, were prolonged till yestarday, when she also was released from them by death. Both were daughters of one of the sufferers, who has besides five children, all young. The remaining five are going on as well as can be expected, and it is hoped that the means resorted to will, under Providence, restore them to their families. I am glad to be able to add that the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood have come forward promptly, as might be expected, to manifest their sympathy for the sufferers.