Page:Life, trial and execution of Mary Thompson, aged 19.pdf/5

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unfortunate young woman, 19 years of age, who is brought to an ignominious death for murder; I say, there is a just God that sitteth in the judgement seat of Heaven, before whom I must shortly appear to answer for all my sins. I most solemnly declare before God and the world, that I am innocent of the murder as-the child unborn," and then burst into tears.

After this she prayed with the Minister, and sung a penitential psalm, she went down upon her kness and prayed that the Almighty would convince the multitude assembled of her innocency or guilt by showing them the following miracles—that if she was guilty it might be one of the finest days that could come from heaven, but if she were innocent that the darkness might overspread the town during the time she was suspended. Her supplication reached the throne of grace; for immediately on her being turned off, a dark thick cloud covered the country for many miles