Page:Life Among the Piutes.djvu/166

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Life Among the Piutes.

“Eat something.” (They had cooked some of the sheep meat.) “You cannot sleep until your brother comes.”

I tell you I did eat, for indeed I was really starved. When I got through, I asked if the men were out watching. Just as father said “Yes,” came a warning alarm. Everybody jumped for their horses. Mattie and I ran and got our horses, jumped on their bare backs, and went to meet the man who brought the warning. I said, “What is the matter?”

“We are followed by the Bannocks.” His horse was almost falling from under him.

I said, “Jump on behind me.” He did so. We galloped up to the camp. “Oh, father, we are followed.”

“Yes,” said the man behind me, “we are followed. Egan and his whole band is overtaken and are taken back.

“I looked back and saw Lee running, and they firing at him. I think he is killed. Oytes is at the head of this. I heard him say to the Bannocks, ‘Go quickly, bring Sarah’s head and her father’s too. I will show Sarah who I am. Away with you, men, and overtake them.’” This is the news that came to us the morning of the 15th of June.

My father said, “If my son is killed, I will go back to them and be killed too. If we are to be killed off for what the white people have done to them, of course we cannot help ourselves.”

I said, “Father, it is no time to talk nonsense now. Be quick, let us go; for my part, my life is very dear to me, though I would lose it in trying to save yours, dear father.”

My stepmother was crying, so was poor little Mattie, Lee’s wife.

“Come, father, give me your orders, as I am going back