Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/135

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had heard a Gabriel blow, had risen and was rushing toward the Klamat and calling to the sea.

Some birds were out, squirrels had left the rocks and were running up and down the pines, and places where the snow had melted off and left brown burrs and quills, and little shells. The back-bone of the winter storm was broken.

To return once more to the Doctor : I can hardly say why I disliked him at first, or at all. One thing is certain, however, he was bald on the top or rather on the back of his head ; and from childhood, I have always had a prejudice against men who first be come bald on the back instead of the front of the head.

It looks to me as if they had been running away, trying to escape from somewhere or something, when old Time caught them by the back of the hair as they fled, and scalped them on the spot.