Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/144

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exempt from the primal curse. No doubt this little egotist said to himself, u If there is a spot on earth where God s great tribute-taker will not find me, it is over at The Forks, on Humbug, and there will I pitch my tent and abide."

He had read just enough law to drive every bit of common sense out of his head, and yet not enough to get a bit of common law into it ; except, perhaps, the line which says that " Law is a rule of action pre scribed by the superior, which the inferior is bound to obey."

Being austere in his tastes, and feeling that he had a dignity to sustain, he made friends with the Doctor, and took up quarters in the Doctor s cabin.

As is the case with all small creatures, the Judge came into camp with a great flourish of trumpets, and what was most remarkable, he wore a " stove pipe " hat and a "boiled shirt;" the first that had ever been seen in the camp. This was a daring thing to undertake. The Judge, of course, had not the least idea of his achievement and the risk he incurred.

These men of the mountains always have despised and perhaps always will despise a beaver hat. Why ? Here is food for reflection. Here is a healthy, well- seated antipathy to an innocent article of dress, without any discovered reason. Let the profound look into this.

As for myself, I have looked into this thing, but am not satisfied. The only reason I can gi