Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/152

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submit ourselves some day, I do not pretend to say.

Even the Indian boy disliked the Doctor bitterly, and one day flew at him, without any cause, and clutched a handful of hair from his thin and half-bald head. The Judge, too, disliked the Doctor, and only the evening before the trial some one, passing the cabin, heard the Judge call the Doctor a fool to his teeth.

That was a feather in the Judge s hat, in the eyes of The Forks, but a bad sign for the Doctor. The Doctor should have knocked him down, said The Forks.

The day of trial came, and Sandy, in respect for the Court and the occasion, buttoned up his flannel shirt, hid his hairy bosom, and gave over his gin and peppermint during all the examination.

The prisoner was named " Spades." Whether it was because he looked so like the black, squatty Jack of Spades I do not know; but I should say he was indebted to his likeness to that right or left bower for his name.

There was not the slightest doubt that he had deliberately murdered two or three Indian children, butchered them, as they crouched on the ground and tried to hide under the lodges, with his knife, on the day of the massacre ; but there were grave doubts as to what the Judge would do in the case, for he had been pretty plainly told that he must not hold the man to answer.