Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/154

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another arose with the same account ; and then another. It was the clearest alibi possible.

Sandy said nothing, and the case was closed. He looked black across the table at the defence, and then went up to the bar, and called for gin and pepper mint, alone.

This was the first attempt to introduce law prac tice at The Forks, and no wonder that it did not work well, and that some things were forgotten. All were new hands Court, counsel, and nearly all present, here witnessed their first trial.

Poor Sandy had forgotten to have his witnesses sworn, and the Court had not thought of it.

The testimony being all in, the Court proceeded solemnly to sum up the case. In conclusion, it said, " You will observe that, as a rule, the further we go from the surface of things the nearer, we get to the bottom." This brought cheers and waving of hats from the Howlin Wilderness, and the Court re peated, " I am free to say that the Court has gone diligently into the depths of this case, and that, as a rule, the further you get from the surface of things the nearer you get to the bottom. The case looked dark indeed against the prisoner at first; but the Court has gone to the bottom of the matter, and he is now white as snow."

u Hear! hear! hear!" shouted a man from Sydney, who always hobbled a little as if he dragged a chain when he walked.

" Snow is good ! " said a miner between his