Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/159

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the eyes of another over his beard and on to the leaves.

But the Judge had no such burial as this. Sandy was on a spree, and the gamblers placed Spades at the head of the funeral. They had no respect for the man and kept away. Spades was chief mourner, and the poor little man was laid alone on the hill side, with hardly enough in attendance to do the last offices for the dead.

That night Spades entered the Howlin Wilder ness wearing a beaver hat. Sandy saw this, set down the glass of gin and peppermint untouched, and went straight up to the man. He seized him by the throat and shook him till his teeth smote and ground together like quartz rocks in a feeder. Then he picked up the hat reverently and respectfully as his condition would allow, and laid it gently on the roaring pine-log fire. That was the last of the first beaver hat of Humbug.

The Doctor appeared out of place in this camp from the first. Every one seemed to feel that perhaps no one felt it more keenly than himself.

There are people, it seems to me, who go all through life looking for the place where they belong and never finding it. This to me is a very sad sight. They seem to fit in no place on top of the earth.

The general feeling of dislike that had always been observed, now became one of contempt. No one noticed or spoke to him now. He came to hold



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