Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/164

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mouth tp

trust, to believe in, to ask a favour of, and to give kind words.

There are as many kinds of mouths as there are crimes in the catalogue of sins. There is the mouth for hash ! thick-lipped, coarse, and expressionless, a picket of teeth behind with bread about the roots. Bah! Then there is the thin-lipped, sour-apple mouth, sandwiched in between a sharp chin and thin nose. Look out!

There are mischievous mouths, ruddy and full of fun, that you would like to be on good terms with if you had time, and then there is the rich, full mouth, with dimples dallying and playing about it like ripples in a shade, half sad, half glad a mouth to love. Such was Paquita s. A rose, but not yet opened ; only a bud that in another summer would unfold itself wide to the sun.