Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/183

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HAT night the Prince talked a long time with Paquita about the new country on the other side of the Shasta, and putting her account and my brief knowledge of the country together, we resolved to go there, where gold, according to her story, was to be had almost for the picking up, if the Indians did not interfere.

A new trouble arose. What was to be done with the two little savages? What would any other man have done ? Gone about his business and left them to shift for themselves! Had he not saved their lives? Had he not fed them through all that dread ful winter? What more should he do?"

One morning this man rested his elbows on the table, and with his face buried in his hands was a long time silent.

" Pack up," said the Prince, at last, to the little girl. In a few moments she stood by his side with