Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/186

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the winds have blown men away from the shore to where there is no law to punish crime, no public opinion to reward merit, where men act from within and not from without.

That aristocratic and highly respectable gentleman, the Hon. Mr. Perkins, of Perkinsville, who gave the thousand dollars to the Sanitary Commission, and a like sum to the church, and had it published over all the land, received offices and posts of honour for the same, and always cherished a fond hope that the facts would be appropriately set forth on his tomb stone, for which he had just contracted with a dealer, in finest Italian marble, and at a splendid bargain, too, as the man was about to fail and compelled to have the money, would probably have acted quite otherwise here.

Similar deeds done under the eyes of an approving world might not take place in the mountains where there is no public opinion, no press to pronounce a man a benefactor, no responding public to build a monument. Such gifts have their reward on earth. In fact, they are more than repaid. The glory is worth more than the gold ; and the poor are under no obligations whatever. u Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth " means very much more than is expressed.

With his moccasins bound tight about his feet and reaching up so as to embrace the legs of his buck skin pantaloons, his right arm freed from the hateful red-shirt sleeve which hung in freedom at his side,