Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/193

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Any one who frequents the mountains of the north will soon notice that on all the hill-sides facing the sun there is no undergrowth. You may ride there, provided you do not wedge in between the trees that grow too close together to let you pass, or go under a hanging bough, the same as in a park. But if you get on the north side of the hill, you find an under growth that is almost impassable for man or beast. Chaparral, manzanita, madrono, plum, white thorn, and many other kinds of shrubs and trees, contribute to make a perfectly safe retreat from men for the wild beasts of those regions. In a flight, this is the chief thing to do. Keep your eye on the lay of the hills, so that you may always be on the south side, or you will find yourself in a net.