Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/207

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that you are swallowed up. Heads and ears you go under it and you see nothing, you remember nothing. It seems to take your breath.

Click! click! click! a tired mule started, snuffed, and then dropped his h$ad, for it was over in an instant.

u Hands up, gentlemen ! hands up ! Don t trouble yourselves to move ! There, that will do ! You are the one we want. Pass in your checks ! "

The Doctor hid his face in his hands, and let them take his arms without a word.

The fire had done the mischief. Klamat did not come back ; at least, he did not let it be known if he did. Paquita opened her large eyes very wide, pushed back her hair, and rested her hands in her lap as she sat looking at the three strange men in elegant top boots and broad-brimmed hats.

u A pretty man you are, Mr. Prince, to run with this fellow," said the officer, u to give me this race. For a coon skin I would take you in charge too."

Here he arose, went over, and looked at the animals in the firelight, as if looking for some cause to lay hands on the Prince, took general charge of the camp as if it were his own, lit his pipe, had one of the men make coffee, and seemed quite at home.

If the Prince uttered a word all this time I do not remember it.

"Where s your other Ingin, Prince?" said the officer, looking about and seeing but the four saddles. u Put him in the bush, or left him in