Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/213

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can, or, in mountain phrase, u just pass in your checks."

"Don t trouble yourselves to move, gentlemen; don t trouble to rise ! "

The Prince said this with a mockery and irony in his tone that was bitter beyond expression ; as if all the poison and the venom of the cruel words arid cruel treatment of the Doctor the night before had been rankling in his heart till it was ready to burst out of itself, and he now hissed it out between his teeth.

There was something in his words that told the three men that he would rather like it if they would only "trouble to move," move the least bit in the world. As if he would be particularly glad if even one of them would lift a finger, and give him even the least shadow of an excuse to blow them to the moon. They therefore u did not trouble to move."

Klamat came out here from the dark with the dawn. He approached the men like a shadow thrown by a pine from the far light, pulled down the blan kets, and took the three pistols from their unresisting hands.

u You may sit up now," said the Prince, taking a seat across the fire by the side of the Doctor. u You may sit up now. You are my prisoners, but I will not handcuff you. I will give you back your arms if you obey me, and you shall return to your town.

" I will not ask you not to mention this little affair," said the Prince raising the double barrels, a