Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/223

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I state this as a very remarkable fact. As the pitiful condition of the Doctor daily grew less, his crimes began to loom up and grow larger. They had sunk down almost out of sight ; but now as this man began to lift up his hands to take part in the life around him, I shrank back and said to myself, There is blood on them human blood.

No Indian had as yet, so far as we knew, dis covered us. Paquita had from the first, around the fire, told her plans ; how that as soon as she should be well rested from the journey, and a house was built and meat secured for the winter, she would take her pony, strike a trail that lay still deeper in the woods, and follow it up till she came to her father s winter lodges.

How enthusiastically she pictured the reception. How clearly she pourtrayed it all. She would ride into the village at sun-down, alone; the dogs would bark a great deal at her red dress and her nice new apparel. Then she would dismount and go straight up to her father s lodge and sit down by the door. The Indians would pass by and pretend not to see her, but all the time be looking slily sidewise, half- dead to know who she was. Then, after a while, some one of the women would come out and bring her some water. Maybe that would be her sister. If it was her sister, she would lift up her left arm and show her the three little marks on the wrist, and then they would know her and lead her into the lodge in delight.