Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/226

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Besides, their lives are very monotonous. But few events occur of importance outside their wars. They have no commercial speculations to call off the mind in that direction ; no books to forget themselves in, and cannot go beyond the sea, and hide in old cities, to escape any great sorrow that pursues them. So they have learned to remember the good and the bad better than do their enemies.

This cabin of ours in the trees on the rim of the clearinggrew soon to be a sacred place to all. Here was rest absolute, unqualified repose. Eight-hour laws, late or early rising, in order to conform to the fashion of the country, did not concern us here. There were no days in which we were required to remain in to receive company, no days in which we were expected to make calls. We named the cabin the " Castle," and the Doctor cut out wooden cannon, mounted them on pine stumps before the door as on little towers, and turned them on the world below.