Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/237

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HESE Indians, and all Indians for that matter, have some strange customs, at which we laugh, or talk of in a mild, missionary, patronizing sort of a way.

Did it ever occur to an American sovereign, as he lifted up his voice in the public places, and thanked God that he is not as Indians are, that they may possibly laugh at some of his customs too ? I think it never did.

When an Indian gets sick his friends have a dance. When a white man begins to lose his hair he rushes off to a barber, and has what he has left cut off to the scalp. Nature, always obliging, comes to his assistance then ; and he never has to have any great portion of it cut again, but is permitted to make the rest of the journey with his head as bright and naked as a globe.

Very odd to have a dance when you get ill ; but