Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/27

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He is not alone in his splendour. Your admiration is divided and weakened. Beyond the Columbia St. Helen s flashes in the sun in summer or is folded in clouds from the sea in winter. On either hand Jefferson and Washington divide the attention ; then farther away, fair as a stud of fallen stars, the white Three Sisters are grouped together about the foun tain springs of the Willamette river ; all in a line- all in one range of mountains ; as it were, mighty milestones along the way of clouds ! marble pillars pointing the road to God !

Mount Shasta has all the sublimity, all the strength, majesty, and magnificence of Hood ; yet is so alone, unsupported, and solitary, that you go down before him utterly, with an undivided adora tion a sympathy for his loneliness and a devotion for his valour an admiration that shall pass un challenged.

I dismounted and stood in the declining sun, hat in hand, and looked long and earnestly across the sea of clouds. Now and then long strings of swans went by to Klamat lakes. I could hear them calling to each other. Far and faint and unearthly their echoes seemed, and were as sounds that had lost their way, and come to me for protection.

I looked and listened long but uttered not a sound; strangely mute for a boy; besides, exclamation at such a time is a sacrilege.

At last I threw a kiss across the sea of clouds, as the red banners and belts of gold stre