Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/271

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No. Put them out on the track, well trained and strong, and let them run the race fairly and squarely with the humblest there, and then if they win they win like men. Must have money to appear well ! Fiddle-sticks ! To buy a new coat and furniture, so as to receive your friends. My dear sir, friends never yet came to see a man s new coat or his nice house ; never ! If your friends want to see new coats, they can go to the clothing stores and see a thousand every day for nothing.

No, we do not hoard up money altogether for the children, or for friends to look upon, but we heap it up because we are selfish cowards ! Because we have not nerve enough to stand on our own merit, or hav ing so little merit and so much money, we prefer to trust to the latter for a place in the eyes of the world. And then there is a low, contemptible fear that we will come to want, and so toil and toil and build a barricade of gold about us, and die at last in fear, pinched t6 death between twenty-dollar pieces, that the starved and hungry soul has crept between, with the last bit of young, strong manhood that we were born with crushed utterly out of us.