Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/375

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chief will sometimes suddenly, in the midst of battle, call off his warriors even when about to reap a victory, should a sign inauspicious appear.

Klamat, shadowy, mysterious, dark-browed little Klamat, now a tall and sinewy warrior, was strangely thoughtful all this time. He went about his duties as in a dream, but he left no duty unperformed. He prepared his arms and all things for the approaching battle with the utmost care. He bared his limbs and breast and painted them red, and bound up his hair in a flowing tuft with eagle feathers pointing up from the defiant scalp-lock.

At last he painted his face in mourning. That means a great deal. When a warrior paints his face black it means victory or death. When a warrior paints his face black before going into battle he does not survive a defeat. It is rarely done, but an Indian is greatly honoured who goes to this extreme, and when he goes out to battle the women sit on the hills above the war-path and sing a battle song with his name in a kind of chorus, calling their deity to witness his valour to defend him in battle, and bring him back victorious. I was standing down by the river alone, waiting and looking in the water, when he came and laid his hand upon my shoulder. He had his rifle in his other hand and his knife, toma hawk, and pistol in his belt. He looked wild and fierce. He scarcely spoke above a whisper.

u I will not come back," he began, " I have seen the signs, and I shall not come back. It is all right, I