Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/59

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The Prince of course remonstrated, but it was no use. He had not been cheating; they had waxed his cards together and he did not detect it till too late.

Appearances were against him ; besides a pair of pistols cocked and at hand, decided the matter. He acknowledged himself beat. Took a drink good- naturedly with the crafty gamblers and retired.

For the benefit of ladies whose husbands may profess ignorance on this subject, I may state that four aces in a game of poker make a " corner " that .cannot be broken.

The man in the broad hat slowly mounted his mule, set his feet in the stirrups, stretched his long legs in the tapideros, unbuckled the catenas, and again reached the contents of the right-hand pocket to the Prince, and leaning back as my companion took a refreshing drink again, said u Well blast my sister s cat s tail to the bone ! "

" Well, Prince," said Boston, as he drove the cork home with his palm and replaced the bottle, u you and I have set against each other, night after night, and I have found you a hard nut to crack, you bet your life, but to see you skinned to the bed-rock, and by Oregonians at that, is too rough ; and here s my hand on that. You was always bast, and I second best, of the two you know, but no matter; take this." And he put his hand down in the other pocket of his catenas, and drew forth a handful of twenties. u Take them, I tell you," as the